coffincandy777 Leaks


Go hard and get dirty. Enjoy the soft and pleasurable. Always use a human ash tray. Order a tattoo gun and decorate real skin. Get banned from chaturbate. Eat Sunday morning doughnuts while appreciating hookers. Fuck your friends in threesomes foursomes or moresomes. Get hypn*tized to endure shibari and bondage suspension. Chase that extreme pain and pleasure subspace high. Get dr*nk off coors and R&R and mosh at the local punk show. Shop the local feed store for needles, canes, stirrups, goat milkers, and anything else that will make the cashier uncomfortable. Live life without rules and break whatever gets in your way. This is our everyday. This is how a life abundant with Love, Passion, and Indulgence should be lived. Because if we're all headed for a Coffin, why not enjoy some Candy on the way?